NIN3 + Gabby G. ~ ❤❤♥♡♥❤❤

☼ Gabby is wearing the Multriple ☼

Things to be learned from Gabby:
 Pain can be used as a driving force. You can be willing to do anything to feel better, so do something positive. Make learning to love yourself enough to not be dependent on anything else your ultimate goal. The way to do that is to know that no matter what, its a journey to love yourself and who you are and being in your own skin, but there is aways hope. "When I started doing esteemable acts I started getting self esteem again. The more you're helping other people, the more you're helping yourself too."

9 girls don't change for anyone, they change for the better.

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  • fijjyiftaw

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

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